Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Killing Floor. ARTHUR LYONS

The Killing Floor.


Other works by ARTHUR LYONS

Publication: Mason/Charter, 1976, New York

First edition. Author's fourth book. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to head of spine and bottom corner point on front panel. David Fein has a problem ... he's a compulsive gambler. Lately, gambling has completely taken over his life. By the time he takes in Tortorello as a business partner, he is in big trouble ... he'd taken out a "quick loan" and now he can't cover his debts. Jacob Asch is contacted by Fein's wife .... he hasn't come home for four days and she's frantic. Jacob figures Fein's probably sleeping off a four-day drunk. What he hadn't counted on was the body on the killing floor!

Inventory Number: 22002