Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The Indian Raid In Young County, Texas October 13, 1864 HENRY C. WILLIAMS

The Indian Raid In Young County, Texas October 13, 1864


Other works by HENRY C. WILLIAMS

Publication: The Union National Bank, 1935, Houston

First Edition. Printed Wrappers. 10pp. "On October 13, 1864, about six hundred Kiowa and Comanche Indians came down from the Indian Territory and made a raid on the settlers located on Elm Creek in Young County, Texas, where it empties into the Brazos River, about ten miles up the Brazos River from Fort Belknap. At the time of this raid I lacked ten or twelve days being seven years old. This raid was made about six months before the termination of the War between the States, and, as far as I know, the history of this raid has never been written." A very detailed, first-hand account relating much regarding the raid's impact on various families and individuals among the settlers. Published and distributed "Compliments The Union National Bank Houston, Texas." Split along bottom three inches of the spine of the fragile wrappers, and some light general soiling to the white wrappers. Scarce.

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