Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Indian Campaign On The Staked Plains, 1874-1875 TAYLOR, JOE F. [EDITOR]

The Indian Campaign On The Staked Plains, 1874-1875


Other works by TAYLOR, JOE F.

Publication: Panhandle-Plains Historical Society, 1962, Canyon

First edition. Cloth, 368pp., illustration by H.D. Bugbee, foreword, appendix, bibliography, index. Large folding map laid-in. Outstanding, well-edited compilation of military correspondence related to the U.S. Army campaigns and battles fought against the Comanche and Kiowa Indians in the Texas Panhandle region during the 1870's. Important source material relating much detail about the actions of Col. Ranald S. MacKenzie, Col. Nelson Miles, Gen. William T. Sherman, Gen. John Pope, and Lt. Gen. Phil Sheridan, as well as such notorious Indians as Satanta, Setank, Big Tree, etc. This important work precedes those of Ernest Wallace by several years. This scholarly work was also issued in wrappers as Volumes XXXIV and XXXV of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Review. This clothbound edition, issued in 1962, simultaneous to the serial issue of Volume XXXV, is quite rare. It is reported that only 400 copies of the clothbound edition were published. After being distributed to the county, city, school, university, etc. libraries in Texas there were very few copies left for distribution. It is said that so few copies were left that some of the primary officers of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Society were unable to get a clothbound copy. A fine, bright copy. No dust jacket, as issued. A desirable addition to any Texana collection.

Inventory Number: 52809