Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Hopi Migrations. Journey To The Center Of The Universe TONY HILLERMAN

The Hopi Migrations. Journey To The Center Of The Universe


Other works by TONY HILLERMAN

Publication: Arizona Highways, 1980, Phoenix

First edition. 4to Arizona Highways, September, 1980, Vol. 56, No. 9. Color wrappers, 48 pp., illustrated from photographs, story appears on 8 - 15 pp. signed by Tony Hillerman. This is a special issue on the Hopi Tricentennial. Fine copy. Also includes "The Hopi Tricentennial, The Great Pueblo Revolt Revisited;" "On Being Hopi;" and "Women in Hopi Society," all written by Pam Hait; "The Hopi of Today" by Maggie Wilson; and "The Hopi Prophecies" by Carle Hodge.

Inventory Number: 52898