Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The Gibbon In China. An Essay In Chinese Animal Lore. R. H. VAN GULIK

The Gibbon In China. An Essay In Chinese Animal Lore.


Other works by R. H. VAN GULIK

Publication: E J Brill, 1967, Leiden, Holland

First edition. Quarto. Cloth, gold gilt stamping on front cover and spine, [8], 123 pp., frontis., preface by the author, list of abbreviations, introduction, numerous illustrations, map, index, addenda and corrigenda. Van Gulik died in September 1967, and during May of that year he finished his last book, THE GIBBON IN CHINA. He had kept monkeys since his youth and anyone who ever interviewed him mentions this unusual company. He couldn't keep gibbons in Holland because the climate is too drafty and moist for them to survive. They thrived in his oriental homes and Van Gulik was very close to them, regarding them highly as pet owners of dogs and cats tend to do. A gibbon is a primate, can walk on its hindlegs, have no tail, and like to reason. They are fairly friendly and the Chinese were aware of the gracious animal and signal its peculiarities in their literature. An excellent study of the gibbon in China. Fine copy including the 33 1/3 gramophone record of the musical calls of the gibbon in a pocket attached to the rear pastedown sheet. Van Gulik was a Dutch diplomat to China for many years and his writings on China and its culture are extensive. A choice item and perhaps the most comprehensive study on the subject. Scarce.

Inventory Number: 41724