Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The First American CHARLES J. BRILL

The First American


Other works by CHARLES J. BRILL

Publication: Charles J Brill, 1949, NP

First Edition. Printed Wrappers. 8pp. A highly sympathetic overview of the 19th century history of the Plains Indians, with emphasis on the conflicts between the U. S. Army and the Indians who were resistant to settling down on a reservation. Additional commentary on some individuals who had primary roles in that history; including Magpie, Monaseetah, Black Kettle, White Antelope, Bull Bear, Little Raven, Satanta, Lone Wolf, Sitting Bull, Stone Forehead, Gall, Crazy Horse, and Roman Nose, as well as Custer, Sherman, Chivington, Sheridan, Hancock, Agent Wynkoop, Major Elliott, Major Reno, General Terry, and Mrs. Custer. A fine copy. Very scarce.

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