Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Dragon Murder Case. S.S. VAN DINE

The Dragon Murder Case.


Other works by S.S. VAN DINE

Publication: Otto Penzler First Edition Library, 1996, New York

First edition thus. Very fine in dust jacket. An exact facsimile edition of the handsome and highly collectible 1933 first edition. Sanford Montague is away for a weekend party, dives into the swimming pool, and never comes up again. The pool is known as "The Dragon Pool" because it has long been regarded as the home of the devil-monster of the Lenape Indians. The mystery is solved by Vance partly thanks to his deep knowledge of dragon lore.

Inventory Number: 30712