Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Deadliest Outlaws JEFFREY BURTON

The Deadliest Outlaws


Other works by JEFFREY BURTON

Publication: Palomino Books, 2007, Portsmouth, England

First edition. Thick 8vo. Limited to 100 signed and numbered copies of which this is #2. Color printed stiff wrappers, x, 517 pp., preface, acknowledgments, illustrated from photographs, drawings, portraits, maps, endnotes, bibliography, index, addenda, corrigenda. This is the true first edition of this book. "This is the best work ever done on the New Mexico outlaws at the turn of the twentieth century." -- Robert K. DeArment. Bob Boze Bell says ...... "a monster read on everything you want to know about the Ketchums." The book contains numerous rare and important photographs. The author sets the record straight about the Ketchum Gang. The material has been collected for over forty years from mainly unpublished sources, comprising family records, personal reminiscences, trial transcripts and other court papers, official correspondence and reports, census returns, and contemporary newspapers. Sadly Jeff Burton passed away on July 7, 2014. He was a fine Western Americana historian and author. A fine, bright unread copy without dust jacket, as issued. Laid-in is a hand-written Packing Note written by Jeffrey Burton, showing this copy(#2) sent by airmail from Jeff's address in England, with "best wishes", Jeff.

Inventory Number: 53511