Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The Dark Fantastic.  STANLEY ELLIN

The Dark Fantastic.


Other works by STANLEY ELLIN

Publication: New York: The Mysterious Press, 1983,

First edition. Limited edition of 250 numbered copies signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. Slipcase. Charles Witter Kirwan is sick and dying, and he knows it. He takes great pride in the old crumbling mansion in which he lives, and he would do ANYTHING to preserve it. He owns the apartment building next door ... his hatred is for the tenants who live there. He hates the way they abuse the building -- the filth they leave in the hallways, the graffiti on the walls, the litter! He hates their slow-payment of the rent, and he abhors the non-paying tenants who sneak away in the middle of the night! Charles decides that instead of waiting for his illness to consume him, he'll blow himself up, inside the apartment building, taking with him all those hated tenants!

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