Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The Custer Myth. A Source Book Of Custeriana. COL W.A. GRAHAM

The Custer Myth. A Source Book Of Custeriana.


Other works by COL W.A. GRAHAM

Publication: The Stockpile Company, 1957, Harrisburg

GRAHAM, COL. W.A. THE CUSTER MYTH, A SOURCE BOOK OF CUSTERIANA. Harrisburg: The Stackpole Co., 1957. Cloth, 413pp., num. illus., 9 maps. "This is one of the major works on the battle. It contains part of a Benteen account of the battle written about 1890 and not published in its entirely elsewhere. Benteen's letter to his wife written just after the battle, and the most revealing Benteen correspondence with Goldin in which Benteen pulled no punches and was most outspoken...Many Indian versions of the fight also enhance its value"--Tal Luther. "This may be the finest book ever produced on the subject"-O'Keefe 961. This important work also contains Fred Dustin's biblio. Fine in dust jacket. Laid-in is the original prospectus for this book...a small 16 page humorous piece making fun of the "scores of alleged witnesses and survivors of Custer's Last Fight who occupied hollow logs, disemboweled horses and other secret hideouts on the battlefield, and thus escaped the fury of the Sioux..."--Colonel W. A. Graham.

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