Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Colorado Kid: Memoirs Of A Life Nurtured By Faith. RUSSELL HAPPEY

The Colorado Kid: Memoirs Of A Life Nurtured By Faith.


Other works by RUSSELL HAPPEY

Publication: Exposition Press, 1978, Hicksville

First edition. 8vo. Brown fabricoid, gold stamping on front cover and spine, brown endpapers, 48 pp., illustrated from photographs. Promotional blurb says, "A glowing recollection of railroading out West, a way of life now vanished from the American scene." "He tells of riding in the caboose as a 'lookout,' the derailments and hot journal boxes, the long, lonely whistle salutes, and the hiss of steam now but a memory. He tells of learning telegraphy and of becoming an unwilling traffic controller in a tower outside of Pueblo when the Arkansas River jumped its banks and flooded the town. He tells of the excitement of handling sixty-five trains in one shift - a record of sorts. And he tells of handling the special, carrying the famous Mary Garden on an operatic tour of the West. And the sadness of President Harding's funeral train on its final journey is a vivid footnote." Fine in fine dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 50303