Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Californios Versus Jedediah Smith, 1826-1827 DAVID J WEBER

The Californios Versus Jedediah Smith, 1826-1827


Other works by DAVID J WEBER

Publication: The Arthur H Clark Co, 1990, Spokane

First edition. Ltd. to 50 copies. Leather, 82pp., folding map, appendices, index. Introduction by David J. Weber. Two bundles of documents pertaining to the arrival of Jedediah Smith and his men in California in 1826, were discovered in the Mexican National Archives in 1984 and 1985. Published here for the first time are letters from among these documents giving insight into Smith's activities while in California. Much has been written regarding Smith's troubles with the Mexican officials in California. The letters and Weber's excellent presentation of this newly discovered information add clarity and perspective to what Smith later reported. Signed limitation sheet was originally tipped-in slightly askew. As new.

Inventory Number: 12463