Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Book Of The American West JAY MONAGHAN

The Book Of The American West


Other works by JAY MONAGHAN

Publication: Julian Messner, Inc, 1963, New York

First edition. Cloth, 608pp., profusely illus.,index. "A Gallery of Western Art" at end is a 31 page section comprised of biographical information on numerous artists of the American West accompanying numerous illustrations, with many in color. A compilation of works by numerous western scholars regarding various aspects of the history and development of the American West. Brought together under the direction of Jay Monaghan, this collection of works offers an excellent history and an entertaining publication. Illustrations by Remington, Russell, Catlin, Borein, Bodmer, Bierstadt, & many others. Contributing authors include: Dale Morgan, Ramon F. Adams, Wayne Gard, Don Russell, Oscar Osburn Winther and others. Near fine in price-clipped dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 50807