Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Big Con. The Story Of The Confidence Man And The Confidence Game DAVID W MAURER

The Big Con. The Story Of The Confidence Man And The Confidence Game


Other works by DAVID W MAURER

Publication: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Publishers, 1940, Indianapolis

First edition. Author's first published book. Some light offsetting to the front and rear free fly leaf, lightly foxed on page top edges, else cloth and text are clean and fresh, and in near fine condition. Dust jacket is bright and unfaded with some minor restoration to the spine ends. There is nothing about the confidence man to suggest the criminal, if there were, he would never succeed as a confidence man. Armed only with a superb knowledge of human psychology and a set of keen wits, he plays upon the cupidity of mankind. This is one of the important source books for the 1973 Oscar-winning film "The Sting." The rear cover panel contains jargon from the Con Man's Lingo.

Inventory Number: 48778