Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Beginning Of The West. Annals Of The Kansas Gateway To The American West 1540-1854 LOUISE BARRY

The Beginning Of The West. Annals Of The Kansas Gateway To The American West 1540-1854


Other works by LOUISE BARRY

Publication: Kansas State Historical Society, 1972, Topeka

First edition. Cloth, maps on end papers, 1295pp. Foreword by Dale L. Morgan. A chronological history of the role that Kansas played in so much of the early history of discovery and development of the American West. Indian cultures, Spanish conquistadores, French voyageurs, army officers, Lewis & Clark, Zebulon Pike Jedediah Smith, John C. Fremont, trappers, traders, missionaries, etc.; all share a common history with Kansas. Solid history and quite useful. A fine copy in a dust jacket with some rubbing and minor edgewear.

Inventory Number: 50801