Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Battle Of The Big Hole. A History Of General Gibbon's Engagement With Nez Perce Indians In The Big Hole Valley, Montana, August 9th, 1877. G.O. SHIELDS

The Battle Of The Big Hole. A History Of General Gibbon's Engagement With Nez Perce Indians In The Big Hole Valley, Montana, August 9th, 1877.


Other works by G.O. SHIELDS

Publication: Rand, McNally & Company, Publishers, 1889, Chicago & New York

First Edition. Cloth, 120pp + 4 pages of advertisements. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Introduction. Having eluded General Howards men, crossed the Lolo Trail into Montana, and thinking themselves somewhat safe, at the demand of Looking Glass the Nez Perce stopped to rest in the Big Hole Valley. Unknown to them, Colonel John Gibbon, with 160 men and 45 volunteers had taken up the chase from Fort Shaw. At dawn, on August 9, Gibbons men attacked the Nez Perce camp, inflicting heavy casualties upon the Indians. The Indians, enraged at the attack of their families, quickly rallied, driving the troops back across the small river, and with great accuracy took a heavy toll on the troops. It was a fierce battle in which the Indians reported 50 dead and 30 wounded, many of whom were women and children. Gibbon had 23 enlisted men and civilians killed, and 5 officers, 30 enlisted men, and 4 civilians wounded. The engagement lasted until after dark on August 10, when the Nez Perce left. An excellent account of this fierce battle fought relatively early in the famous pursuit of Chief Joseph and the Nez Perces. "This is the story of John Gibbon's command being soundly whipped by the Nez Perce."--O'Keefe 2210. A very scarce and important account. Some very light wear, some minor damp-spotting on rear cover, and a few tiny dark speck near bottom edge of front cover. Very good-near fine copy. Bookplate signed by G. O. Shields laid-in. Informative Department of Interior piece entitled "Big Hole National Battlefield", 1989, also laid-in.

Inventory Number: 53455