Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Armchair Detective Book Of Lists. STROSSER, EDWARD [EDITED BY].

The Armchair Detective Book Of Lists.


Other works by STROSSER, EDWARD .

Publication: Armchair Detective, 1989, New York

First edition. Near fine in stiff pictorial wrappers. An indispensable soure of information for the mystery buff. Tony Hillerman, Elmore Leonard, Sue Grafton, Peter Struab, Sara Paretsky, etc. choose their ten favorite mysteries. Includes a complete listing of awards given by Mystery Writers of America, Crime Writer's Association, Crime Writers of Canada, Private Eye Writers of America, and at various conventions. Experts, i.e, Ellery Queen, USA Today, Gallup Poll, etc. pick their favorites.

Inventory Number: 21510