Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

"Tell Baker To Strike Them Hard!" Incident On The Marias, 23 Jan. 1870 ROBERT J. EGE

"Tell Baker To Strike Them Hard!" Incident On The Marias, 23 Jan. 1870


Other works by ROBERT J. EGE

Publication: The Old Army Press, 1970, Bellevue, Nebraska

First Edition. Cloth. I-IX,-146pp.+3pp. Index. Illustrations. Introduction by Don Russell. Foreword. In 1870, troops under the command of Major Eugene Baker attacked a village of Piegan Indians on the Marias River in Montana Territory. The author is the first to fully investigate the charges of "massacre" against Baker and his men. A thorough examination, the author documents all aspects of his study...pro & con. A fine copy. Dust jacket shows considerable rubbing, yet minimal edgewear, with exception of light chipping to spine ends.

Inventory Number: 51644