Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Superheated Steam Power. The Foster Patent Superheater

Superheated Steam Power. The Foster Patent Superheater

Publication: The Power Specialty Company, 1907, New York

Printed red and black wrappers. Fourth edition. 9-1/4" x 6." [1] 44pp. [1] plus wrappers. Black and white photographs, illustrations, tables. "The Power Specialty Company announces the fourth edition of its pamphlet on "Superheated Steam," which has been revised by E. H. Foster, the inventor of the Foster Superheater. This edition contains profuse illustrations of superheaters manufactured by the company as applied to the various types of boilers in use in this country, and also of the direct fired type, ranging from large installations of 3000 horse power units to small portable superheaters, which may be used for experimental purposes. The pamphlet also contains reproductions of photographs of various parts, showing the construction of the Foster Superheater in detail; and a few pages are devoted to superheated steam specialties, such as piston rod packing, Harter flexible joints, corrugated bronze gaskets and the Willits double-acting non-return valve, all of which articles are sold by the company as being especially adapted to plants having superheated steam. Superheated steamers’ greatest value lies in its tremendous internal energy that can be used for kinetic reaction through mechanical expansion against turbine blades and reciprocating pistons, that produces rotary motion of a shaft. The value of superheated steam is its ability to release tremendous quantities of internal energy yet remain above the condensation temperature of water vapor; at the pressures at which reaction turbines and reciprocating piston engines operate." Wrappers lightly stained to bottom fore-edge which has lightly bled through to 4 pages not affecting the text, vertical crease to front wrapper else a very good copy of an informative brochure.

Inventory Number: 36110