Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Stick. Revised First Draft Of The Screenplay Of The Same Name ELMORE LEONARD

Stick. Revised First Draft Of The Screenplay Of The Same Name


Other works by ELMORE LEONARD

Publication: Universal City Studios, Inc, 1983, Universal City

Revised first draft of the screenplay. 4to. 8 1/2" x 11" stiff, green printed wrappers, 254 brad-bound pages. The screenplay is signed by Elmore Leonard on the title page. Fine, bright copy. The 1985 film starred Burt Reynolds and was also directed by him. During the filming, Leonard became dissatisfied with Reynold's interpretation of the novel and in a five-page photocopied 1984 letter to the director that is laid-in, he weighed in at length on why he was disappointed, and says in part : "What happens is that when I'm writing I see real people and hear real people talking. But when I view I see, too often, actors acting, actors hitting the wrong word, mugging, overstating or elaborating on a punch line, ad-libbing cliches, setting a record for the frequent use of 'asshole.' I hear what seems to me too many beats between exchanges, pauses for reactions, smiles for the benefit of the audience -- like saying, get it? --- or sneers or wide-eyed looks that I don't see in real life." Fine, bright, unused copy.

Inventory Number: 43223