Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Souvenir Of ... Seattle, Wash ... Photo-Gravures LOWMAN & HANFORD

Souvenir Of ... Seattle, Wash ... Photo-Gravures


Other works by LOWMAN & HANFORD

Publication: Lowman & Hanford, Stationery and Printing Co, 1902, Seattle

First edition. 8vo. Oblong 9" x 7" pictorial, string-tied wrappers, n. p. [17 pp.], illustrated with 16 full-page photogravure plates of Seattle scenes. An album with numerous attractive scenes of Seattle including the University of Washington, James Street and Yesler Way, from Pioneer Square, Second Avenue, First Avenue, a fold-out three-page panoramic view of Seattle from the harbor, Mount Rainer, Great Northern R. R. Company's docks and elevator, Seattle churches, Seattle schools, lumber industry scenes, Puget Sound dry dock with battleship U.S.S. Iowa, Snoqualmie Falls, and much more. Front cover over-sized wrappers are lightly chipped, half of unprinted rear cover torn away, but interior plates are clean and serviceable. Overall a very good copy.

Inventory Number: 38805