Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Souvenir Of International Typographical Union. 83rd Convention. Fort Worth, Texas. August 19-26, 1939 International Typographical Union

Souvenir Of International Typographical Union. 83rd Convention. Fort Worth, Texas. August 19-26, 1939

International Typographical Union

Other works by International Typographical Union

Publication: Allied Printing, 1939, Fort Worth

First edition. 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" in colorful leather wrappers with 4 cowboys working on creating a name plate (ITU YEAR BOOK) and one Mexican enjoying his siesta. Cover printed in green, silver, brown, black, and flesh colors. Tied with leather at spine. [92] pp. Illustrations. AdThe International Typography Union (ITU) was a trade union formed to represent workers in the printing and typography industries, including typographers, printers, and other workers involved in the production of printed material. Its primary goal was to protect the interests of these workers, improve working conditions, and negotiate for better wages and benefits. Includes a welcome by Amon Carter; a report on progress and problems of printers; information on the Union Printers Home by Charles E. McKnight; information on Fort Worth; the Woman’s Auxiliary to the Fort Worth Typographical Union; listing of members of various typographical unions; “The New Dallas” by Marvin B. McCarley; Houston and the San Jacinto Monument; “The Longhorn” by Judd Mortimer Lewis; a poem entitled “Big Thirsty Bill” by Marvin B. McCarley; “A Brief History of ‘Cowtown;’” information on ITU Rodeo; etc. Numerous pages of advertisements. Edges of pages are tanned; wrappers worn at spine and edges and bottom corner missing. Very good.

Inventory Number: 53588