Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Souvenir Of Fargo, North Dakota. Photo-Gravures

Souvenir Of Fargo, North Dakota. Photo-Gravures

Publication: Published by the North Dakota Book and Stationery Co, n d (ca 1895), Fargo

First edition. 24mo. 5 1/2' x 9" oblong pictorial, string-tied wrappers, n. p. (title page plus 24 leaves of views of Fargo and vicinity). Views of N. P. Avenue looking east and west, Cass County Court House, Fargo in 1873, panorama of Fargo, wholesale houses, leading machine houses, Broadway looking both north and south, North Dakota State Fair buildings, Great Northern Depot, Fargo hotels and apartment houses, U. S. Post Office and Masonic Temple, panoramic scenes of the N. D. Agricultural College, Fargo College, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., school houses, churches, Roman Catholic institutions, residences, views of Island Park, threshing scenes near Fargo, etc. Top edge of inside rear cover is uniformly tanned and minor wear to head of spine, else a fine, internally clean copy.

Inventory Number: 34124