Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

South Dakota: Resources- People- Statehood. The Gleanings Of A Journey Through The Territory. FRANK S. CHILD

South Dakota: Resources- People- Statehood. The Gleanings Of A Journey Through The Territory.


Other works by FRANK S. CHILD

Publication: The Baker & Taylor Company, 1888, New York

First edition. 8vo. Cloth binder, 67 pp., tables. Chapters on the country, resources, people, cities, statehood, cattle industry, etc. Herd 460 says "Rare." "Examined in the Coe Collection, Yale University." While bound in to a cloth binder, this copy lacks the original wrappers, else very good copy, housed in a clamshell case. HOWES C381. DECKER 50:85. HERD 460.

Inventory Number: 28200