Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Soldiering In Dakota, Among The Indians, In 1863-4-5. PRIVATE FRANK MYERS

Soldiering In Dakota, Among The Indians, In 1863-4-5.



Publication: Huronite Printing House, 1888, Huron, Dakota

First Edition. Half-Leather. 60pp. One of the rarest of works about Plains Indian wars during the Civil War period. Meyers was a member of the Sixth Iowa Cavalry, under the command of General Alfred Sully, sent to the Dakotas to punish the Sioux in 1863-1865, as a response to the Sioux Uprising in Minnesota in 1862, which resulted in the death of 600-800 innocent settlers. Myers vividly describes events of 1863-65 on the northwestern frontier, including the rescue of the famed Indian captive, Fanny Kelly. An excellent first-hand narrative of events on the Upper Missouri, including clashes with Indians (the Battle of Tah-Kah-O-Kee-Ta), Sully's marches deep into Sioux country, and the punishments inflicted on the Sioux by American forces. Original printed wrappers are missing, this very rare work has been bound in brown half-leather and brown cloth, with title in gilt on spine. Binding is in fine condition. A few small chips to fore-edge of title page. Half-page "Bio" on Frank Myers is laid-in.

Inventory Number: 51764