Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Singer Story Of The Louisiana Purchase 1803-1903
  The Singer Sewing Machine Company

Singer Story Of The Louisiana Purchase 1803-1903

The Singer Sewing Machine Company

Other works by The Singer Sewing Machine Company

Publication: The Singer Manufacturing Co, 1904, St Louis

5" x 7" oblong pictorial wrapper. 24pp. to include the wrappers. The front wrapper has the colorful Spanish, French and United States emblems and the rear wrapper has the Singer Sewing Machines red emblem. A colorful double page aerial view of the exhibition grounds at the center of the booklet. This booklet is a "Singer Souvenir of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, A.D. 1904." Illustrations include De Soto Discovering the Mississippi-From Powell's Painting in the Capitol, Marquette Discovering the Mississippi, Falls of St. Anthony in 1903, small oval portraits of James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, The Singer Pavilion in the Palace of Manufactures, St. Louis Exposition, 1904, et. al. Information includes the Spanish Exploration of North America in the sixteenth century, "the story of the French exploration of the Great West partly told by the eminent historian, Francis Parkman," the discovery of the Mississippi River, La Salle taking possession of Louisiana in 1682, transfers of Louisiana between France and Spain, purchase of Louisiana by the United States, America's opposition to the Louisiana purchase and the formal transfer of the territory to the United States. "At the great Exposition in St. Louis, to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, the exhibits in the Palace of Manufactures constitute an impressive exponent of the wonderful industrial progress in the United States during the Nineteenth Century." One of the most striking exhibits was The Singer Manufacturing Company, showing the wide variety of Singer Sewing-Machines used in manufacturing industries and at home. Working exhibits showed the making of Workmen's clothing by Sweet, Orr & Co.; Corsets by Strouse, Adler & Co.; Muslin Underwear by the Sorosis Garment Co.; Boots and Shoes by the Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. 1" crease to top fore-corner of all pages else a very nice copy of a fine item.

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