Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Sights And Scenes In And Around Tonkawa, Oklahoma. In The Famous Salt Fork And Chikaskia Valleys P.H. Ritchey & Co., Tonkawa, Oklahoma

Sights And Scenes In And Around Tonkawa, Oklahoma. In The Famous Salt Fork And Chikaskia Valleys

P.H. Ritchey & Co., Tonkawa, Oklahoma

Other works by P.H. Ritchey & Co., Tonkawa, Oklahoma

Publication: Tonkawa News Print, 1905, Tonkawa

5 3/4" x 8 1/2" in gray printed wrappers with title in red. [68] pp. Introduction. Illustrations. Advertisements. [68] pp. Tonkawa was founded in 1894. Transportation, education, agriculture, and oil have been important factors in the city’s development. In 1899 the Blackwell and Southern Railway completed their line through the town, greatly stimulating its growth. In 1901 the Oklahoma Territorial Legislature approved the establishment of the University Preparatory School (now Northern Oklahoma College). By 1911 the prosperous agricultural trade center had a school, three banks, and five churches. Nine pages of information on Tonkawa and all it has to offer followed by photographs of the town and advertisements. Photographs include various businesses, numerous identified residences, the Big "V" Ranch, men working in the fields, the church, the new bridge over the Salt Fork, farm scenes, etc. Foxing to inside edges of first half of booklet. Staining to spine edges of front and rear wrapper along with 1" split to head of spine and with 1/2" x 1" chip to top edge of rear panel, which affects top edge of last pages. A wonderful collection of photographs.

Inventory Number: 51902