Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Series 50. Buick Straight Eight For 1932. Eight Models, 78 - Horsepower Buick Valve-In-Hand Straight Eight Engine, High Compression Optional, Wizard Control Combining Automatic Clutch, Free Wheeling And Silent-Second Syncro-Mesh Transmission, 114-Inch Wheelbase, Ride Regulator On De Luxe Models BUICK MOTOR COMPANY

Series 50. Buick Straight Eight For 1932. Eight Models, 78 - Horsepower Buick Valve-In-Hand Straight Eight Engine, High Compression Optional, Wizard Control Combining Automatic Clutch, Free Wheeling And Silent-Second Syncro-Mesh Transmission, 114-Inch Wheelbase, Ride Regulator On De Luxe Models



Publication: Buick Motor Company, 1932, Flint

First edition. 8 9/16" x 12" oblong color stiff wrappers with titles stamped in gold gilt on the front cover, 24 pp., illustrated in color. Totally and beautifully illustrated including specifications, "..."In fact, the car as a whole must be considered, not only as a marvelous mechanism, not merely as a beautiful automobile, but rather as what it actually is---the outstanding Buick of all time." Fisher Body details, features, and information. The lineup of vehicles offered for 1932 include the five passenger sedan, the two passenger coupe, the five passenger Victoria coupe, the five passenger Special sedan, the four passenger Special coupe, the five passenger Sport Phaeton, the four passenger Convertible Coupe Roadster, and the five passenger Convertible Phaeton. Covers lightly soiled, else a near fine, internally clean copy.

Inventory Number: 42604