Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Sarah Bowman. Pioneer Madam. A True And Accurate Narrative Of A Sportin' Woman Also Known As 'The Great Western',Who Was An American Madam Pioneering Prostitution In The Southwest JAY MOYNAHAN

Sarah Bowman. Pioneer Madam. A True And Accurate Narrative Of A Sportin' Woman Also Known As 'The Great Western',Who Was An American Madam Pioneering Prostitution In The Southwest


Other works by JAY MOYNAHAN

Publication: Chickadee Publishing, 2004, Spokane

First edition. Signed by the author. 8vo. Spiral bound decorated wrappers, 66 pp., acknowledgments, preface, introduction, illustrated, portraits, maps, epilogue, appendices, sources. A biography of Sarah Bowman, also known as "The Great Western." Much on her life and activities in Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. As new.

Inventory Number: 42570