Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Rubber And Celluloid Harness Trimming Company Catalog No. 8 Rubber And Celluloid Harness Trimming Company, Newark, New Jersey

Rubber And Celluloid Harness Trimming Company Catalog No. 8

Rubber And Celluloid Harness Trimming Company, Newark, New Jersey

Other works by Rubber And Celluloid Harness Trimming Company, Newark, New Jersey

Publication: Baker Printing Co, 1910, Newark

First edition. 8vo. Decorated wrappers, 119 pp., illustrated in black & white. This company manufacturers rubber and celluloid harness trimmings, celluloid martingal rings and slide loops, rein spreaders, face pieces, rubber compound harness, trimmings, hames, light metal harness trimmings in gold, silver and nickel, humane bits, and other specialties for the horse. All goods bear the Albright Trade Mark. Laid-in is a sheet providing discounted prices from the catalog. An old water stain on the title page that diminishes and is hardly noticeable after page 8, tiny nick to the fore-edge of first ten pages, tiny closed tear to the fore-edge of title page, else a very good copy of a trade catalog of accessories for the horse.

Inventory Number: 44858