Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Rimini And Other Poems LEIGH HUNT

Rimini And Other Poems


Other works by LEIGH HUNT

Publication: William D Ticknor & Company, 1844, Boston

First American edition. Original cream satin paper-covered boards.124pp. A collection of 15 poems. The Story of Rimini is based on Dante's story of Paolo and Francesca, giving a sympathetic portrayal of how the two lovers came together after Francesco was married off to Paolo's brother. It describes how two people can still love each other in hell, promoting compassion for all humanity. Also includes Hunt's Abu Ben Adam. On rear free fly leaf is a manuscript poem, entitled An Angel in the House, perhaps in Hunt's hand (?) Top edges of front and rear paste-down sheets and front and rear free fly leafs stained. Covers and spine chipped bumped, stained and worn. Spine has been repaired. A good only copy.

Inventory Number: 48772