Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Ride A Mile And Smile The While. A History Of The Phoenix Street Railway 1887-1948. LAWRENCE J. FLEMING

Ride A Mile And Smile The While. A History Of The Phoenix Street Railway 1887-1948.


Other works by LAWRENCE J. FLEMING

Publication: Swaine Publications, Inc, 1977, Phoenix

First edition. Quarto. Decorated green cloth, gold stamping on front cover and spine, decorated endpapers, viii, 179 pp., frontis., acknowledgments, foreword, illustrated, portraits, facsimilies, railway maps, equipment roster. "The Phoenix Street Railway was an essential part of a [not-so-]long-vanished scene. Street-cars had their shortcomings for they were noisy, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, sometimes had flat wheels and the ride could be rough. They did, however, run every ten minutes, go anywhere worth going in their day, and for only five cents. To use a slogan painted in gold over the motorman's window on one of the cars, 'Ride a Mile and Smile the While 5c.'" Fine in fine dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 29615