Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Request To Ship Cattle Found At A Distance From The Range Of Their Owner Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association

Request To Ship Cattle Found At A Distance From The Range Of Their Owner

Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association

Other works by Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association

Publication: 1899, NP

11" x 7 3/4" sheet. Letter from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association (F.M. Stewart), dated April 18, 1899, and addresses to the Range Cattle Owners of South Dakota declaring that the South Dakota Legislature of 1899 enacted a law which would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to ship or drive from the state any cattle bearing a brand other than that owned by the shipper, unless said shipment was made by written authority of the owner. Evidence of guilt would be punishable by a fine off $75 - $100 for each animal shipped. Attached is a form offering members of the Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association the opportunity to sign the attached request authorizing any member of the Western South Dakota Stock Growers' Association, upon finding a matured animal (and bearing the brands listed by its owner on the form) to ship the animal to Chicago, South Omaha, Sioux City, Denver or Kansas City and forward the proceeds to owner's address or be placed to owner's credit with a particular person or establishment. Minor wear to edges of sheet. Very good.

Inventory Number: 37550