Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Report. The Committee On Public Lands, To Whom Was Referred House Bill No. 143, Entitled "A Bill For The Relief Of Certain Half-Breeds Or Mixed-Bloods Of The Dacotah Or Sioux Nation Of Indians And Their Grantees,"... Mr. WOODRUFF

Report. The Committee On Public Lands, To Whom Was Referred House Bill No. 143, Entitled "A Bill For The Relief Of Certain Half-Breeds Or Mixed-Bloods Of The Dacotah Or Sioux Nation Of Indians And Their Grantees,"...


Other works by Mr. WOODRUFF

Publication: 1862, Washington

First Edition. Disbound. 4pp. 37th Congress, 2nd Session. House. Report No. 83. By the 9th article of the treaty made at Prairie du Chien, July 15, 1830, the United States agreed to suffer the half-breeds of the Sioux bands to occupy a tract of land near Lake Pepin. In 1874 the President was authorized to exchange with those half-breeds for that tract of land, scrip for the same amount of land, which scrip, it was provided, might be located upon any of the same lands not occupied by actual settlers of half-breeds. The half- breeds needed only to release all their interest in said tract. The half-breeds subsequently relinquished to the United States all their interest in said lands, and scrip was issued to them. In 1857 alternate sections of land along the lines of railroads, designated by odd numbers, were granted to the Territory of Minnesota for the purpose of aiding the construction of such railroads. By the same act the alternate sections, designated by even numbers, were reserved to the United States, and were not to be sold for less than double the minimum price of public lands, viz: for not less than $2 50 per acre. Now the holders of this scrip ask that this increased value shall enure to their benefit. Their scrip entitled them to lands valued at $1 25 per acre. They now ask for the same quantity held at double that value-increased in value by the donation of Congress, located after the lands were withdrawn from entry or location and during the summer of 1857, at the very time the railroad lines were being surveyed. Very Good.

Inventory Number: 47912