Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Report On Supplying The City Of Quebec With Pure Water: Made For The City Council By Order Of George Okill Stuart, Esq., Mayor Of Quebec BALDWIN, GEORGE R. [CIVIL ENGINEER]

Report On Supplying The City Of Quebec With Pure Water: Made For The City Council By Order Of George Okill Stuart, Esq., Mayor Of Quebec


Other works by BALDWIN, GEORGE R.

Publication: Charles C Little and James Brown, 1848, Boston

First edition. 8vo. Original printed wrappers bound into a cloth binder with titles stamped in gold gilt on the spine, 92 pp., maps, tables, appendices. Several sources to supply pure water to Quebec are considered, including the St. Lawrence River, Lake St. Charles, the St. Charles River, the Montmorenci River, etc. The study takes into consideration aqueducts, distances to transport water, proposed population of the city, water usage per person, etc. Several folding maps point out water flow from different vantage points into the city. An analysis of the Quebec waters is provided by B. Silliman, Jr. and includes the chemical examination of natural waters from the Montmorenci and St. Charles Rivers. Data is also provided for water supply to both Philadelphia and New York City that is compiled from annual reports. Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 34377