Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Report Of The Secretary Of War, Communicating, In Compliance With A Resolution Of The Senate Of February 4, 1867, A Copy Of The Evidence Taken At Denver And Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, By A Military Commission, Ordered To Inquire Into The Sand Creek Massacre, November, 1864. EDWIN M.-SECRETARY OF WAR STANTON

Report Of The Secretary Of War, Communicating, In Compliance With A Resolution Of The Senate Of February 4, 1867, A Copy Of The Evidence Taken At Denver And Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, By A Military Commission, Ordered To Inquire Into The Sand Creek Massacre, November, 1864.



Publication: Government Printing Office, 1867, Washington

First Edition. Disbound, and rebound in Half-Leather and Cloth binding. 228pp. Senate. 39th Congress, 2nd Session. Ex. Doc. No. 26. Proceedings a Military Commission Convened by Special Orders No. 23, Headquarters District of Colorado, Denver, Colorado Territory, Dated February 1, 1865, In the Case of Colonel J. M. Chivington, First Colorado Cavalry. "The Commission...is convened to for the purpose of investigating all matters connected with the action between Colonel Chivington and the Indians, known as the Sand Creek fight, to ascertain, as far as possible, who are the aggressors, whether the campaign was conducted by Colonel Chivington according to the recognized rules of civilized warfare, and whether based upon the law of equity from the commencement of Indian hostilities to the present time". An important report. Small, minor repair with archival tape tp first page, else a fine, clean copy.

Inventory Number: 52398