Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Rachel Plummer's Narrative Of Twenty-One Months Servitude As A Prisoner Among The Commanchee Indians RACHEL PLUMMER

Rachel Plummer's Narrative Of Twenty-One Months Servitude As A Prisoner Among The Commanchee Indians


Other works by RACHEL PLUMMER

Publication: Jenkins Publishing Company, 1977, Austin

Facsimile Reprint. Boards with cloth spine, no pagination (26pp.). Preface by Archibald Hanna and introduction by William S. Reese. Limited to 400 copies. A facsimile reprint from the only known copy of this tragic narrative. Rachel Plummer was captured by the Comanches during their raid on Parker's Fort in May of 1836. Her cousin, Cynthia Ann Parker, was captured at the same time. Rachel Plummer endured 21 months of captivity before being returned to her father's home in Texas where she died exactly 1 year later having never recovered from her ordeal. Fine copy. Signed by Hanna and Reese.

Inventory Number: 52561