Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Quebec Montmorency Falls And St. Anne De Beaupre Quebec Railway Light & Power Co.

Quebec Montmorency Falls And St. Anne De Beaupre

Quebec Railway Light & Power Co.

Other works by Quebec Railway Light & Power Co.

Publication: Privately printed, ca 1925, NP

9" x 4" pictorial wrappers. 96 pages plus wrappers. Illustrations, advertisements. Photographs and brief information about various monuments, resorts, buildings, and other points of interest. Pages 31-69 offers information on a variety of churches, chapels, and other places of prayer. History of Quebec through middle of 1925. Winter activities. Tourist and travel agencies listed where Quebec Railway, Light & Power Co. tickets can be purchased. Heavily worn pictorial wrappers are disbound from brochure pages.

Inventory Number: 34255