Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Quantrell .... In The Civil War. Reminiscences Of Civil War Days. (Cover Title) FRANK DALTON

Quantrell .... In The Civil War. Reminiscences Of Civil War Days. (Cover Title)


Other works by FRANK DALTON

Publication: Privately printed, 1935, N P

First edition. 8vo. Original stapled, pictorial wrappers, 12 pp., picture of the author on the front cover, double column. Inked gift inscription and date on the verso of the front cover from the author. A collection of 4 separate short narratives by the same author. Narratives pertain to subjects of interest such as Quantrell, the Civil War, the Battle of Bowers Mill and John Younger, the outlaw and peace officer. Of additional interest are inscriptions on the inside of both wrappers. The inscription inside the front wrapper states: "Compliments of Frank Dalton, to Miss Jene Norman, June 4th, 1935." The inscription on the inside of the rear wrapper is far more interesting, as it appears to be a small work of prose written in manuscript and states as follows: "When my Soul seeks range and rest beyond the Great Divide, just bury me some place out West that's sunny, lone and wide. Let cattle rub my tombstone down and kyotes mourn their kin, let horses paw and tromp the mound, but do not fence it in. [signed] Frank Dalton." An old fold to the center of the booklet, fore-edge and extremities lightly chipped and nicked, else a very good copy.

Inventory Number: 52309