Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Probing The American West, Papers From The Santa Fe Conference. MULTIPLE AUTHORS

Probing The American West, Papers From The Santa Fe Conference.



Publication: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1962, Santa Fe

First edition. Cloth, 216pp. + 7pp., 1 illus. A compilation of presentations made by several prominent western scholars and historians at the conference on The History of Western America in Santa Fe in 1961. Dale L. Morgan, John C. Ewers, Merrill J. Mattes, J.S. Holliday and Oscar Osburn Winther are among the many (19) presenters. Introduction by Ray A. Billington. Edited by K. Ross Toole, John A. Carroll, A.R. Mortensen and Robert M. Utley. A fine copy in lightly rubbed dust jacket. Laid-in is the original invitation to attend the Santa Fe Conference, and also the Program Pamphlet from the conference describing the schedule and various presentations to be made during the 3-day conference.

Inventory Number: 50799