Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Port Of Seattle Year Book 1928 The Port Of Seattle

Port Of Seattle Year Book 1928

The Port Of Seattle

Other works by The Port Of Seattle

Publication: Privately printed, 1928, Washington

10 1/2" x 7 3/4" in color pictorial wrappers showing a harbor scene. 123 pp. Double-column text, printed in green ink. Illustrations. Maps. Contents. Overview of the Port of Seattle followed by descriptions of the 7 terminals operated by the Port of Seattle; Financial statements; information on the city of Seattle; deep sea fueling facilities in Seattle, rail lines operating from Seattle; barge and tow boat companies; steamship line agents and representatives; fumigation plant; Alaska imports and exports; merchandise, gold and silver shipped from Alaska to the United States; principal commodities received cold and ordinary storage warehouses, etc. 1-page map of Seattle harbor. 1-page map showing the relationship of Seattle and Puget Sound to the Pacific Ocean. 30 plus pages of illustrations, all shaded in green. Most pages include several pictures. Illustrations include lumbering scenes, port scenes, fishing industry, fish markets, fruit industry, dairy industry, cold storage industry, warehousing, farming scenes, aerial scenes of terminals, aerial scenes of canals, aerial scenes of Seattle, docks, lots, yachting, birds-eye view of Seattle and its vicinity, etc. Front wrapper lightly soiled along with light bumping to corners. Very good plus.

Inventory Number: 42901