Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Pocket Guide To Waterton Lakes Park

Pocket Guide To Waterton Lakes Park

Publication: Printed by F A Acland, King's Printer, 1929, Ottawa

6" x 4 1/4" printed wrappers, 11 [blank] [1] pp., frontispiece, illustrated, bibliography. Waterton Lakes National Park is situated in the southwest corner of Alberta, and comprises an area of 220 square miles set aside for the use and enjoyment of the people and as a sanctuary for wild life. On the south it immediately adjoins Glacier National Park in the U. S. A view of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Double Fall, Hell Roaring Creek, Bertha Mountain, Lower Waterton Lake from the base of Vinny Mountain, fishing scene, wildlife, etc. Information provided on camping, accommodations in the park, auto service stations, recreation, stores, tennis, children's playgrounds, swimming, boating, hiking, fishing, mountain climbing, riding, camp etiquette, etc. Small inked numbers on bottom of rear cover, else a near fine copy.

Inventory Number: 34851