Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Pikes Peak By Auto Pikes Peak Auto Highway

Pikes Peak By Auto

Pikes Peak Auto Highway

Other works by Pikes Peak Auto Highway

Publication: Privately printed, n d (ca 1919), NP

5 1/4" x 6 1/2" color, pictorial wrappers with picture of the Serpentine Trail on front wrapper and a vehicle nearing the summit on the rear wrapper. [16 pp. including covers], illustrated. While billed as "wonderful new auto road" the road is twenty to fifty feet wide and unpaved, but undoubtedly the grandest scenic highway in America at that time. Views at different stopping points along the route to the top are provided, some in black and white and others in color. The road was usually open from the first part of May until the end of October, and there was a fee to make the trip to the top. The toll charges for those driving their own auto was $2.00 per person and with a $4.00 minimum, motorcycles $2.00 per person, pedestrians and equestrians also $2.00 per person, children 6 to 12 years of age, half fare. In the center of the booklet is a double page spread in color of a view of a section of the auto road to the summit of Pikes Peak. Light soiling else a near fine copy.

Inventory Number: 40386