Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Pictorial Reflex Of Salt Lake City And Vicinity, Including Letter-Press Description And Illustrations Of Public Edifices, Hotels, Business Blocks, Churches, Indians, Bathing Resorts, Etc. And A Variety Of Information, Valuable For The Tourist And Resident, From Reliable Sources C.R SAVAGE

Pictorial Reflex Of Salt Lake City And Vicinity, Including Letter-Press Description And Illustrations Of Public Edifices, Hotels, Business Blocks, Churches, Indians, Bathing Resorts, Etc. And A Variety Of Information, Valuable For The Tourist And Resident, From Reliable Sources


Other works by C.R SAVAGE

Publication: CR Savage, 1900, Salt Lake City

Fifteenth revised edition. Stiff printed wrappers, 20 black & white plates + 42 pp. of text + 2 pp. advertisements. Pictorial views include the Temple, the interior and exterior of the Mormon Tabernacle, birds-eye-view of city, important buildings, the grave of Brigham Young, Fort Douglas, street scenes, various churches, beach scenes, pictures of the presidents of the Mormon Church, the first presidency and twelve apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, etc. Pictures are followed by several pages of text about Salt Lake City as well as information about the various places pictured. Moderate wear to edges of oversized wrappers. String-tie binding missing and text-block is disbound from wrappers. Good-very good.

Inventory Number: 26876