Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Photograph - Cowboy Wrangling Horses KING, B. A. [PHOTOGRAPHER]

Photograph - Cowboy Wrangling Horses


Other works by KING, B. A.

Publication: Privately photographed, n d (ca 1970), N P

Silver gelatin print [20 cm x 25 cm] / [8" x 10"]. Strong contrasts. Inscribed on the verso "For Wally - B.A. King." In a glassine sleeve (as issued?). Nice view of a cowboy wrangling horses. Bruce Anthony King (1934-2017) was a Toronto born photographer and contemporary artist who was educated at The Whitney School, The Bancroft School, The Crescent School, The Upper Canada College Preparatory School, St. Andrews College, and Hamilton College. His work has been in solo exhibitions in New York, Massachusetts, London, Montreal, and more and is held in the collections of the Worcester Art Museum, The Canadian National Film Board, The Museum of Modern Art, and the Boston Museum of Fine Art. Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 50706