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Petition For Military Exemption - 1863-1864. South Carolina, Edgefield District WALKER, WILLIAM J. [PETITIONER]

Petition For Military Exemption - 1863-1864. South Carolina, Edgefield District


Other works by WALKER, WILLIAM J.

Publication: Petitioned by William J Walker, 1863, Edgefield District, South Carolina

Six men: A. J. Hammond, Tilman Watson, Rev. C. S. Mathews, Rev, S. P. Getzen, H, A Shan, M. D., and George W. Mills, CSA petitioned the Confederate States Secretary of War, James Seddon, on behalf of William J. Walker. An important and quite scarce affidavit signed by six witnesses written on lined paper. 11 1/4" x 7 1/2." William J. Walker, was a plantation owner in Edgefield County, South Carolina which was situated on the Savannah River just across from Augusta, Georgia. At the age of 44 and "in feeble health" Walker is writing for an exemption from the service, even though he already has a substitute who has taken his place in the 2nd Regiment of the South Carolina State Troops. The witnesses who have signed Walker's petition were all prominent citizens of Edgefield, South Carolina. Andrew J. Hammond was a Major in the 24th Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers and made a General at the end of the War. He also was a member of the South Carolina State legislature and was a member of the Secession Convention of 1860. Thomas Watson had a limited education but was elected to the State Senate and House in the 1850's. According to South Carolina state document he was the owner of 105 slaves in 1860 and a man of abundant wealth. He served in the 19th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers and was promoted from Captain to Major in 1862. The Reverend S.P. Getzen was the pastor of the Baptist Church and a leading member of the clergy who initiated the revival in South Carolina in the 1840’s. He became pastor of Edgefield’s Mount Lebanon Church in Edgefield in 1860 after forming a number of smaller congregations in the county during the 1840's and 1850's. George W. Mills was a member of the 19th Battalion, South Carolina Calvary. LETTER AS PRESENTED TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR. To the Hon. The Secretary of War Your humble Petitioner, William J. Walker of the State and District aforesaid Most respectfully asks to be detailed as an agriculturalist to raise provisions, as he believes that he can render more substantial service to his country in this Capacity than as a Soldier in the ranks. Your Petitioner is in the forty fourth year of his age is in rather feeble health has been in that army, but now has a substitute in the 2d Brgt. Fourth Carolina state Troops, whose term of service will soon expire when you Petitioner will become liable to Conscription. Your Petitioner further shewith that he has on his plantation forty nine slaves and that he has Paid to the government four hundred bushels of Corn, and fodder and paid in proportion as his tax in kind, for the year 1863. And he believes that owing to the impossibility of procuring a Suitable overseer that if he is taken away, their will not be more produce made on this plantation than a meager support. You Petitioner further shewith that he had only three Sons two of whom have been offered as a sacrafice upon his Country's altar and who have died in his Country's Cause, his only remaining Son is quite a child. All of the facts are most respectfully Submitted. We the undersigned are acquaintances of William J. Walker Esq. Do hereby certify that we do believe that the statements made by the same Walker in his petition are true. A.J. Hammond Tilman Watson Rev. C.S. Mathews (?) Rev. S.P. Getzen H.A. Shan M.D. George W. Mills CSA Light fold creases and a few tiny to small holes caused by the ink used, else a very legible letter in very good condition.

Inventory Number: 48768