Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Peppers, The Domesticated Capsicums ANDREWS, JEAN [WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY]

Peppers, The Domesticated Capsicums


Other works by ANDREWS, JEAN

Publication: University of Texas Press, 1984, Austin

First edition. 4to. One of fifty copies written and illustrated by Jean Andrews specially bound in quarter leather. This is copy 39, originally reserved for The Book Club of Texas. Signed by the author beneath her picture on the frontispiece and signed again by her on the title page. Quarter leather and cloth, double column, foreword, preface, illustrated, color plates, maps, appendix, glossary, illustrated glossary, bibliography, index. Foreword by W. Hardy Eshbaugh, who is Professor Emeritus of Botany at Miami University, known primarily for his research on chili peppers and one of three authors of the seminal work covering the flora and biogeography of the Bahamas. Contains 32 exquisitely rendered, full page color illustrated plates of chili peppers by Jean Andrews and with a glossary and recipes. A frontispiece photograph of Andrews provides information regarding her multi-faceted expertise. Fine, bright copy without dust jacket, as issued. An impressive and informative publication.

Inventory Number: 48630