Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Peace Marshal FRANK GRUBER

Peace Marshal


Other works by FRANK GRUBER

Publication: William Morrow & Company, 1939, New York

First edition. Author's first book. In Broken Lance, Kansas, John Bonniwell averts the Jesse James gang from holding up the town bank, but is severely wounded in the process. When he awakes in the hospital, he finds that he has been elected town marshall, with high recommendations from the bank owner and leading citizen, Steve Barat. Bonniwell accepts the job (especially after getting an eyeful of the hotel owner Eleanor Sager) even though he knows that he was only appointed to become a pawn in Barat's scheme to bleed Broken Lance, and the Kansas, dry. Bonniwell's position is put to the test when Barat sues Bonniwell's friend Waggoner for running his cattle without paying the $1 a head toll enforced by Barat. When he sees that Bonniwell isn't going to be controlled so easily, Barat has Bonniwell's enemies go after him. Former owner's name, but covered by the dust jacket flap, words, "A. W. Kuns Rental Library" on front fly leaf, and lightly stained along bottom edge of cloth, else good in dust jacket with moderate wear to the extremities. A difficult title.

Inventory Number: 2110