Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Pat F. Garrett's Authentic Life Of Billy The Kid PAT GARRETT

Pat F. Garrett's Authentic Life Of Billy The Kid


Other works by PAT GARRETT

Publication: The MacMillan Company, 1927, New York

Second Edition. Blue Cloth with Labels on front and spine. xxviii, 233pp. Color Frontispiece and 15 additional Plates. Preface and Foreword by Editor, Maurice Garland Fulton. Introductory by Pat Garrett. The front cover of the exceedingly rare 1882 first edition describes this classic work: "The Authentic Life of Billy The Kid, The Noted Desperado of the Southwest, Whose Deeds of Daring and Blood Have Made his Name a Terror in New Mexico, Arizona & Northern Mexico. By Pat F. Garrett, Sheriff of Lincoln County, N.Mex. By Whom He Was Finally Hunted Down & Captured By Killing Him. A Faithful Narrative." "This edition has been well-edited, much of the paragraphing have been changed, and has been well annotated by an editor who made a thorough study of Billy the Kid. This edition is therefore much more valuable historically than the original edition. It's strange that forty-five years elapsed between the first and second printings."--Ramon Adams, SixGuns 808. "This book has been reprinted several times, the best edition being the one published by MacMillan in 1927 and edited by Maurice Garland Fulton."--Adams One-Fifty-61. An exceptionally fine, bright copy. The very scarce dust jacket has some chipping to corners and spine ends, else clean and bright.

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