Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Pass Of The North, Four Centuries On The Rio Grande. Two Volumes C. L. SONNICHSEN

Pass Of The North, Four Centuries On The Rio Grande. Two Volumes


Other works by C. L. SONNICHSEN

Publication: EL Paso: Texas Western Press, 1968 & 1980,

First edition. Volume I: Gift inscription on front half title page by "C. L. Sonnichsen, El Paso, Texas, February 20, 1969." Cloth, 467 pp. Numerous illustrations from old photographs. Map and chapter initials by Jose Cisneros. Extensive bibliography and footnotes. "A remarkable and readable history of the community of El Paso and the adjacent valley of the Rio Grande....Pass Of The North is a significant contribution to Texas and Western American history."----William C. Pool. "This is a splendid history of the area centering around El Paso and Juarez....The narrative encompasses a broad sweep of Southwestern history from Cabeza De Vaca, Juan De Onate, and Zuniga through Zebulon Pike, Josiah Gregg, James Magoffin, George W. Kendall, George Ruxton, Jack Hays, R.S. Neighbors, W.H. Emory, John S. Ford, and Joseph E. Johnston, all of whom visited and had something to say about the pass of the North....The area witnessed the activities of John Selman, John Wesley Hardin, Jim Gillett, Jeff Milton, Bill McDonald, Pancho Villa, and other lawmen and outlaws."--John Jenkins. Fine in dust jacket with minor wear to the head of spine. Volume II : 1918-1980. First edition. 8vo. Boldly signed by Jose Cisneros above his art work. Cloth, ix [3], 140 pp. plus 8 pages of photographs and maps, foreword, illustrated, portraits, maps, bibliography, references, index. The story of El Paso from 1918 until 1980. Fine bright copy in dust jacket with a small closed tear to top edge of front panel. An attractive set.

Inventory Number: 48413